Transex Stand on Lightning 3 - Original Gorda
[TLG (bowalia)] Stand on Lightning 3 [中国翻訳]
#313843 - now class this is important and I'm sure it will be on the next test, so if there are there any questions speak up now!!! Well that's just wonderful, no questions, she said a little sarcastically, with the marks some of you are earning you'd think you'd have a question or two!!! The room was dead quiet, when from the back row Zoey raised her hand, and in a sweet voice asked, I have a question Sister Nora!!! Sister Nora eyed the eighteen year old with a little suspicion and replied slowly, Yes, Zoey, what is your question?!? After giggling softly Zoey asked, My question is, when in my life time am I ever gonna hafta use the inverse proportion of a reciprocal!?! Several of the girls gasped that Zoey would so openly ridicule one of the nuns, but they were quickly brought back to order when Sister Nora's ruler came down hard on her desk sounding for all the world like a rifle shot!!! She eyed the incorrigible girl for several seconds, and in a calm but s