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#137072 - It happened so fast! I didn't even warn her! But she swallowed every drop of my cum! Many nights watching tv she would sit beside me on the sofa , put a blaket over my lap and jerk me off under the blanket. I peeked out of the curtain and she wastotally naked, leaning back on the toilet with her legs spread shoving a dildo in and out of her pussy! I was mesmerized! She quietly says I have no where else to go, I'll jerk ya off after I cum! Than she gets up, says duh and climbs in the shower with me, bends over and tells me stick your dick in my pussy! I get behind her ass, line my dick with her pussy and push in until I'm fucking her pussy! It was a quick but satisfying fuck!. She lead me to the sink and put her hand right down my shorts and fondled my dick.

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Nobuna oda
Lela really went off the deep end with the plastic surgery i liked her when she was like a hot girl next door now she looks like a kardashian and it s gross
Great boobs thanks for the inspiration my girl and i want to start posting vids